

看了我兄弟黑猩猩的部落格,快笑死我了。。。真的是BEH TAHAN HAN(福建话)。



听着namewee新歌,心中无限激荡,设么叫兄弟?设么叫朋友?一路走来,走的走,跑得跑,就如歌词一样,我还是我!哈哈,我错了吗?为设么全都是我?你有情绪我没有吗?你有情感我就没有?干!期待明志写一首歌给我“全都是我” …………

lei bei yan diu

Since my brother start his blog. Im gonna start mine too... haha
why not i cont about the story of KFC? haha
Long time ago, a person come and ask me kfc nice to makan onot, i been eating kfc for quite sometime so i jus told him kfc is nice and taste great. so he decide to makan kfc with me...
starting he facing alot of prob, than i help him, i feed him!( his weaker how many i give de?)
but in the end he said kfc not nice and don wan eat edi, i never bad mouth him, but?....
he bad mouth me... said me stole his kfc makan la, this la that la, everything is my fault! everything jus bcos of me....until today i stil eat kfc, from my bottom of my heart, kfc really great! haha although sometime really abit sienzzz edi... hahaha
but whose fault? haih... never bcos of him, is all bcos of other...
when took my present never said me good, when issues come is all bcos me!!
你有情绪,我没有?全世界就你对?死臭鸡白!我有杀你全家?lei bei yan diu (广东话)错就在我,你就对?hamkacan! 我兄弟找饭吃,你在那边倒沙,你给狗吊!!!